Festival Rules


At the entrance to the festival you will be replacing your ticket for a festival wristband. The wristband will be in a certain color, depending on what kind of festival arrangement you have chosen (first, second, third or all three days of the festival).

At the entrance you will also get a wristband for a free camp which is part of the festival. Every day at the entrance to the festival expect the safety check of the wristbands by the securities, so please cooperate with them.

Note: Any damage or loss of wristbands means a loss of the right to stay at the festival! Juveniles can attend the Seasplash Festival exclusively with the adult person.


Tolerance and positive attitude is what we promote at Seasplash Festival, and we expect the same from our visitors! Aggression, violence, homophobia or any form of discrimination are not welcome.

It is strictly forbidden to enter the festival area with: knives, sticks, pyrotechnics, firearms, glassware (glass bottles) etc.

It is also our duty to warn you that possession, consumption or resale of illicit narcotics in the Republic of Croatia is punishable and strictly forbidden at the festival. People caught in this act will be detained until the police arrive.

For the order and peace at the festival, a regular service is organized, whose employees will be visibly marked. They have the permission of asking to leave the festival or to prevent the entering to the persons who are considered to be in any way in violation of the above mentioned order.

Respect yourself, the others, the festival location and the soundsystems!


Every visitor with the ticket is entitled to free camping during the festival. The camp has a certain capacity so we recommend that you come in time to take your place.

When camping, you have to follow the instructions of the organization and the burial service. There are number of chemical toilets and several showers in the camp. Drinking water will be provided at the festival, but we recommend that you take the quantities of water you think you will need!


We are very sorry, but because of all the unpleasant experiences so far we do not advise, and in general we do not allow pets in the festival. This is possible if your pet is constantly tied to the straps, which is worse than leaving it at home. Thank you for understanding.


All visitors at the camp are obligated to pay a deposit of 20 HRK for their waste at the beggining of the festival. After paying the deposit, the visitor gets garbage bags, and is expected to keep clean his place in the camp and not to leave the garbage behind.

The deposit is refunded at the end of the festival, when the visitor leaves full garbage bags at the foreseen location.

The festival is held in a natural setting and the organizers take extreme care of it, so please do not leave the garbage around it but take it to the foreseen places.

Note: Any kind of fire ignition is strictly forbidden!