Egoless was born in 1984. in Croatia (former Yugoslavia) when (after Tito’s death) the country was slowly preparing for bloodshed which cumulated at the beginning of the ’90, exposing the worst in human beings, turning the thief’s and the wicked ones into moral authorities who took over the country to this day. From an early age, music was an escape from the harsh reality that was surrounding him, and very soon, after discovering punk & rock around 1997. he started his first band and did his first gigs from an age of 14.
After moving to the capital (Zagreb, where he resides to this day) he instantly got hooked to dub, reggae and especially jungle music, through Goldie’s “Timeless” album and shortly after that in 2002. started getting into, music production, doing dub, reggae, jungle, and some experimental music while still playing and touring with various bands as a keyboard player, guitarist or sound engineer.
In 2009. he started Egoless project with No, Ego, No Problems EP, but quickly started combining dub and dubstep music into one organic whole, while keeping both foundations of styles intact, utilizing old Jamaican dub techniques and hardware (analog mixer, tape, tape echoes, spring reverbs, instruments). In the same spirit, he is doing the performances live utilizing the same techniques.
After 2012. and first vinyl release and recognition, he never looked back and dedicated himself solely to the project and after countless successful vinyl & digital releases and remixes for highly respected labels in the scene such as System, Scrub a Dub, ZamZam, Lion Charge, Blacklist and gigs, festivals and tours all around US, UK, Europe, Australia & New Zealand, Canada and Russia he signed and released highly praised “Empire of Dirt” EP on Mala’s influential DEEP MEDi MUSIK label and continues to play gigs all around.
In 2019. he performed on more than 50 gigs on three continents. Among other, he played an American tour from New York to Toronto, he did a tour in India, he played in Fabric and Steel Yard in London and had two impressive performances at last years Outlook festival in Pula.