Sea Sound is considered the offspring of the Seasplash Festival, bringing a refreshed approach and a concept tailored for the new era. With a broad spectrum in musical program, Sea Sound is shining a light on significant creative developments of the past decade, particularly the emergence of various new, handmade sound systems. In both the domestic and international scenes, sound systems have become as crucial as the performers on stage.
The Sea Sound Festival is scheduled to take place from July 18 to 21 at Martinska in Šibenik, and its distinctive feature lies in presenting the entire program on numerous larger, medium-sized, and smaller stages, which are exclusively using ‘custom-made’ sound systems.
The music program will showcase current trends from the domestic, regional, and international scenes, offering a diverse range of styles from traditional-analog to contemporary-electronic.
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Details about the first performers and sound systems will be revealed soon. Until then, festivalgoers can purchase Blind tickets at the most favorable prices.
The location Martinska in Šibenik is situated in a protected natural landscape and within the UNESCO buffer zone, making it unique. Festival tickets also include the possibility of camping, in a very limited number within the location, in a pine forest area on the site of the former autocamp.