Press accreditation applications are available to all media.
Press accreditation applications should be submitted no later than July 14, 2023.
Notifications of the application status and instructions on how to pick up approved applications will be sent via e-mail no later than July 16, 2023.
There is a limited number of press accreditations according to media types:
TV stations can submit max 3* accreditation applications.
Radio stations can submit max 2* accreditation applications.
Print media can submit max 2* press accreditation applications + 1* photo accreditation application
Internet media can submit max 2* press accreditation applications + 1* photo accreditation application
* More press accreditation applications can be submitted only upon presenting an additional media plan
Submission of an accreditation application doesn’t guarantee its approval.
Press accreditations are valid only at the time of the festival and in accordance with the conditions of the artist’s management. Photo and video accreditations are valid under the conditions and terms defined by the artist’s management.
Press accreditations are not transferable.
Each accreditation application is valid for one person only.
Press clipping must be attached to the accreditation application.
Published announcements can be sent even before the start of the accreditation period to
Press accreditations must fulfill the above-mentioned requirements or they will not be considered.