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Ambassador Stream w/ DJ Diaz (AT) on May 20, 2020

Seasplash Festival is launching a series of online streams with Seasplash Festival ambassadors around the world. The first in a series of Seasplash Ambassador Stream will host DJ Diaz from Austria, a I 18th Seasplash festival

Dub pioneers Zion Train are leading the second wave of the Seasplash Festival names

Seasplash Festival celebrates coming of age this summer at Martinska in Šibenik from July 16 to July 19. We have just released the second wave of artists with 15 names for our 18th edition. Zion Trai I 18th Seasplash festival

Check out the best moments from the 17th Seasplash Festival

We turned back the time, to July 2019, when for the first time we enjoyed our new location – Martinska near Šibenik. Our associate David Tesic from DMT Productions has again managed to capture I 18th Seasplash festival

Corona update and return of the Early Bird tickets

Important news: festival tickets have returned to the Early Bird prices and we are releasing the 2nd line-up announcement next week! In the meantime, stay safe, take care, be responsible, #stayhome an I 18th Seasplash festival

Asian Dub Foundation to headline 18th Seasplash Festival!

This summer the Seasplash Festival returns to Martinska, Šibenik, to celebrate its coming of age. Introducing all bass music and promoting soundsystem culture, Seasplash has been a real treat for all I 18th Seasplash festival

18th Seasplash Festival teaser

Check out the teaser for 18th Seasplash Festival, recorded and edited by David Tešić (DMT Productions).   We are thrilled to announce the dates of 18th Seasplash Festival! Our music summer gath I 18th Seasplash festival